Saturday, June 6, 2009

Liv 52 Tablet for body builders, weight lifters, sportsmen and athletes.

Liv 52 is the world’s No.1 liver protection formula. With a history of over 50 years, this herbal preparation now sells in over 40 countries. That even allopathic practitioners recommend Liv 52 for treating various liver disorders, is a testimony to its efficacy.
The role of a nutritious dietary regimen for athletes, especially body builders and weight lifters, cannot be over-emphasized. Many athletes use performance enhancing drugs to keep themselves ahead in a fiercely competitive environment. The legality of their use aside, the fact remains that this is a widely prevalent practice.
Steroids used for performance enhancement can be injectables like Testosterone and Trembolone or orals like Anadrol and Dianabol. While injectable steroids pass through the liver once, orals do so twice thus increasing the stress on the liver. The effects of orals on different body organs are also more severe than of injectables.
Whatever be the type of steroid used, athletes should take care to preserve their valuable body organs from their adverse effects. The harshest steroids that can be used are the oral ones like Anadrol, Dianabol, Halotestin, Methyl Test, Cheque Drops as well as injectables like Winstrol and Trembolone. These are some of the most toxic to the liver when compared to other steroids like Anavar or Sustanon.
The users have to find a remedy to get those enzyme levels down and to cleanse the liver of all the toxins that have built up due to extended steroid use. Among the various products available to protect the liver, Liv 52 is undoubtedly the most popular. Introduced in 1955 and now sold all over the world, this herbal preparation offers comprehensive liver care. Apart from being an effective protection against cirrhosis, hepatitis, fatty liver and elevated liver enzymes, it is also the best cure for these conditions in affected cases.
Liv-52 is clinically proven to lead to an improvement in the architecture of the liver. Hepatic function tests and needle biopsy specimens demonstrate a definite improvement in hepatocellular function and structure. Liv-52 treatment ensures an increase in the number of the total mass of functioning hepatocytes. The liver enzymes return to normal levels with an increase in total proteins, albumin and hemoglobin after treatment with Liv-52.

Jhavuka (Tamarix gallica) Tamarisk - 16mg Jhavuka (Tamarix gallica) 16mg. This herb is effective as a digestive aid and is known for its hepatic stimulating effects.

Negro Coffee (Cassia Occidentalis) - Kasamarda (Cassia occidentalis) 16mg. This is a digestive tonic and also lends support to liver function.

Yarrow (Achillea Millefolium) - Biranjasipha (Achillea millefolium) 16mg This herb has stimulating effects on the liver.

Wild Chicory ( Cichorium Intybus) - Kasani (Cichorium intybus) 65mg. This herb will increase bile secretion. It will also act directly on liver glycogen stores. It is a very powerful Hepatic stimulant and can even aid digestion.

Capers (Capparis Spinosa) - Himsra (Capparis spinosa) 65mg. This herb is known for its liver protecting abilities. It can also improve the efficiency and function of the liver due to its stimulating effect.

Black Nightshade (Solanum Nigrum) - Kakamachi (Solanum nigrum) 32mg. This one is very important for the enhanced lifter. It has been shown to improve liver and kidney health in different cases of liver toxicity that is caused by the ingestion of different drugs.

Arjuna (Terminalia Arjuna) - Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) 32mg.This is another very important herb and it helps regulate hepatic cholesterol biosynthesis and has a tonic like effect on not only the liver but the heart as well.

Liv-52 comes in kosher certified clear and easy-to-swallow capsules that do not have any odor or taste. The new formula uses a proprietary herbal extract formulation process that increases concentration of active constituents and results in higher bioavailability.In case you need it, our consultant can draw up a personalized plan for taking Liv 52 based on your age, body weight, gender and the type of enhancement you are using.

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